Monday, September 30, 2013

Be Free

the professor speaks
words entrained in 
serpent skin segments
dust in waiting
living water
long gone

through windows
sun patiently traces the
ancestral curvature of joy
on walls and hands
and waking dreams—
Be. Free.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

lulu's gas pedal

lulu’s gas pedal is stuck to the floor,
melded, more like,
in kinetic fusion—

her tiny dog body is a
particle accelerator bottleneck through which the whole of
cosmic dogness passes each and every second,
a pulsing dog life in a ricochet of time

except when she sleeps

black hole tumbling inward
onto the warm laundry pile in God’s basement
simply gone, a moment’s peace

so short

Friday, September 27, 2013


No, thank you.
I’ve had enough
of gold and the
tunneling word,

If only we had
left the treasured hills
and fortunes

had never
learned to
weigh a life
against what books

rumors requiring polish
and a fearful spell
to shine,
no source of

To possess at all
is to shatter oneness
and free demons
to nest…

Thursday, September 26, 2013


the granite heart of a mountain
still nursing liquid heat
deep within

is cousin to the infant sleeping,
leaving star life for a time
beneath them

a crystalline dream
in one act

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

never was

in one step i cross
the river called arkansas

a small matter to gather it whole
under the eaves of the world

ice age air still misting
september breath

where mountain tundra softens
stone gutters

old waters
new again

see, see
time never was

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wedding Day

for Issa

Paper is only paper, of course,
proof of nothing—
ink is powerless to bless.

But hands clasped,
breath poised
on the lip of Yes! 
eyes finding mates again
in this new moment,
words weaving fresh fields of love cloth—

These hush the worlds.
These still the gods.