Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Captain Adrift

After many years at sea
mapping the currents
and the stars
and reading omens in the
migrations of seaweed, divining
by any means
the expected alignment
of bow
and keel
and rudder,
the perfected attitude of
sail to wind,
eye to horizon,
where treasure calls,
ever correcting the course,
impaling every fearsome beast
on the compass point
of my will…

After dreaming myself Captain,
master of charts,
merchant of destiny,
I recently awoke
to discover
I am merely
perhaps the remains
of a crate that once
carried spyglasses to
Napoleon’s lieutenants,
or a broken oxbow
swept down the Ganges
along with a peasant’s
last hope.

I am driftwood
with no destination but to
be present each evening,
witness to the Evening Star,
I am driftwood,
as gloriously buoyant
and full of sun
as any Spanish Galleon
that ever sailed, and
infinitely more free
to go with God
up and down
a while longer
until one last storm
plunges me into the
quiet deep,
or tosses me again
onto a far shore,
to break upon flint
and throw firelight
across the breathless
kisses of lovers
dreaming themselves
Captains of their fate.


  1. holy metaphor swapping, batman! i really love this poem, Alan ... such rich imagery, such a new way of seeing
